Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Big Teddy "BEAR"

I am reserving this spot in hopes that my friend Jim Andrews will be sending me a picture of his best friend, now gone, Bear.
Bear was a Rottweiler that Jim got out of the "pound".
I met Bear when Jim called me for "pet sitting". I was a little uneasy when I first met Bear, after all he was a BIG SCARY ROTTWEILER!
But, it didn't take long for me to fall in love with this big teddy "Bear".
He always made me feel safe when I would go to feed the dogs. Bear knew he would get extra attention from me and loved "back rubs"!!
I know Jim really misses his friend. I hope he will find the strength to send me a picture soon. I would love to be able to share Bear with eyevryone!

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